Angelo Scordo

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Angelo Scordo

Lean Six Sigma Transformations

Executive Summary

  • 39+ Years experience in Industry and Management Consulting in Leadership roles
  • Lean Enterprise Deployment (20+ years)
  • Management experience in R&D, Production, Quality Assurance, ITC, Automation
  • Design and manufacturing of machines for plastic materials transformation.
  • Design and manufacturing of man-made fibers production plants

Industrial Experience

Oil & Gas:

  • Crude Oil, Topping, Cracking, Lubricants, Chlorine Plant, Polymers, Rubber

Responsible for design and implementation of advanced control and automation solutions in:

  • Chemicals, pharmaceutical, power stations, pulp and paper, rubber, food and drugs

Responsible for design and manufacturing of OEM machinery in the following sectors:

  • Injection moldings
  • Man-made fibers extrusion
  • Pipe extrusion
  • Twisting machines (textile)


  • Break through cost savings
  • Successfully led many Kaizen events with positive results
  • Designed many innovative solutions for the plastics and textile sectors
  • Scrap reduction 25% to < 3 DPPM (Defect parts per million)
  • Effectively applied Lean 6 Sigma to design and manufacturing with break- through results.