Lean Enterprise

Carlyle Adams - Senior Member

A major manufacturer of semi-conductors and cleanroom products used our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven Toyota Production Systems-TPS to drive the company to a World Class Status within (2) years at (11) sites around the world. My staff and I trained / certified a key group who traveled to the remote sites in the US / Ireland / Israel & Germany. The customer was able to achieve substantial savings and improve quality. ($32M)
A manufacturer of automobiles achieved substantial savings using Lean Enterprise thinking and proven TSP techniques to drive Kaizens into the plants US and Canada.
A company involving Robotics manufacturing / production, I participated in the retrofitting of an automobile transmission plant which involved robotizing the entire plant to assemble and transport the finished parts to inspection before shipment. The plant runs at a 98% uptime status, with an excellent ROI due to a good balance of human to robot mix.
A company involving Biometrics and High End technology to secure occupants, products, and equipment from intruders and vandalism. Biometric locks / Electronic Locks, CCTV, Ground Radar, Armed Response. With the use of Smart Technology customer will achieve an excellent ROI.
A company involving High End technology for use of monitoring and maintenance of renewable energy and other state of the art installations for power generation and grid balance as well as same for security and vandalism. Good ROI due to uptime and return to online status.
A company involving High End technology for use in Hospitals to track products and patient’s movement. In addition, same technology used for Fire Control and Security. Excellent ROI with regards to patient error and supply chain.
Currently working with a number of clients in the Hospitality and Renewables industry to better their Operational Excellence.
Also assisted Hospitals with Lean Principles in the day to day operation of Emergency and Triage units.

With over (35) years in Operation and Support, (12) years participated as a Leader and Team Member / Trainer in other industries / Nuclear and Steam Generating Power Plants / Emergency Medical Support / Renewable Energy / Cyber

James D. Bond - Senior Member

A major Industrial Supply Company used our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven Toyota Production Systems - TPS techniques to drive their company to a World Class Operational Excellence within (4) years. I trained/certified (4) Lean Masters in USA and Canada with savings of 2.3 million over this time. In addition I trained Black Belts and Green Belts throughout the Organization both in functional transactional office environments and manufacturing sites.
I am a contributing author, editor and have written the foreword to an upcoming book “The Lean Practitioner's Field Book” by Charles Protzman, a Shingeo award winner to be released in early 2016.
In a major Food Supply Company, our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven TPS techniques was used to drive Kaizens into their (3) plants in Canada. A food services auditor who reviewed (1) plant commented that it was the best organized and engaged that he had seen on his (28) years in this role.
A major Die Casting Company for the Energy sector used our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven TPS techniques to drive Lean Enterprise in (2) plants in the USA to change the culture and developed structured processes and (3) years later they are approaching World Class in their business sector.

Michael Yu Loon Chan - Senior Member and ipag-Team Leader

A major Industrial Electrical Manufacturing Company used our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven Toyota Production Systems - TPS techniques to drive their company to a World Class Operational Excellence within (3) years. Our staff and I trained/certified (146) Lean Masters in over (36) worldwide sites to achieve this World Class Operational Excellence saving the company over $41 million in (3) years. Countries included USA, Canada, and several countries in Europe, countries in Asia, Dominican Republic and in South America. We combined Six Sigma training for Lean Masters and created Black Belts and Green Belts throughout the Organization both in functional transactional office environments and manufacturing sites.
Another Major Industrial Conglomerate Company used our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven TPS techniques to drive Kaizens into their (350) plants around the world in USA, Canada and Mexico.
A major Automotive and Aerospace Company used our Lean Enterprise thinking and proven TPS techniques to drive Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma into Design and Manufacturing plants in the USA, Mexico, Europe and Asia within (7) years they were the fine example of a World Class Company.